IBM Lotus Organizer 6.1

Lotus Organizer - software that allows you to manage your personal information
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer User Rating 4

Lotus Organizer is software that allows you to manage your personal information. It is aimed for any user, for business people, and for anyone who wants to put to rights his/her business. You work with this program like with usual organizer, where you can find calendar, to do list, address book, information about data and anniversaries, annual plan of activity, and notepad. It is excellent electronic notebook, where you can write down your working plans, business appointments, and other notes. This program has handy user’s interface, easy navigation function, possibility to organize your information, to plan tasks and calls. Also there is function that will notice you about the forthcoming events. Moreover, you can bind the information of the options, for example, information about the activities and information about expenses. Also it’s possible to enter text and graphic information in the notebook.
Lotus Organizer has many bookmarks for every option on the right side and possibility to turn the pages. So, you can quickly look through the appropriate information in the calendar, phone book, calls’ list, notes, web-resources, and so on. Also with this program you can visit any website, make joint calendar, and even make appointment in the Internet as well. The Contacts option allows you to write down up to 20 phone numbers, 7 personal addresses, 6 e-mail addresses, and 6 web pages per one contact. Using Calls option you can make incoming and outcoming calls. And the Planner option allows to plan up to 15 events. You can print your documents, viewing it previously, and also you can use the ready Lotus print templates.

JG Senior editor
Julia Galygo
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Handy user’s interface
  • Easy to use and learn
  • Wide range of tools for information managing
  • Handy way to present information


  • Not free

Comments (44)

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Great for managing Xmas card label printing.

2 months ago Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Christopher
Layouts are comprehensive, versatile and customisable. Unlike most current software its pages do not rely on scrolling, and have no superfluous images. Every sq mm is used, and clarity is superb, helped by colouring of items. IBM's efficient page design has never been matched by Microsoft designers.
I regularly check to see if it is active again under any new owner, but sadly not so far. But I will not drop it for anything inferior. Does anyone know a way to sync it with any mobile phone calendar?

May 28, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(1) no(0) | Reply
Marcelo Salvadore
I know it's been a year since you posted this comment, but today, when looking for Lotus Organizer help with something I forgot how to do, I saw your comment.
I don't know if you've already managed to synchronize the lotus organizer with your phone's calendar. I do this constantly. So there goes the method.
You must export your calendar in ICS format to a folder on your computer.
Then, go to Google Calendar and import the ICS file you generated.
The information will all go to Google calendar. If your cell phone is set to sync Google Calendar, the information will go to it.
The only drawback of this process is that every time you import the ICS file into Google calendar, you will have to delete the Google calendar first and then import.
I hope I could have helped.

May 22, 2024 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Enrique Castillo
The most easy, powerful and high reliability platform to maintain all my duties under control.

Feb 13, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(3) no(0) | Reply

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